Relaxation massage

Discover True Serenity and tranquility

Discover True Serenity: Elevate Your Well-being with a Relaxation Massage

Unwind and rejuvenate like never before with our exquisite relaxation massage. It’s more than just a treatment; it’s a journey to tranquility, a call to nurture your body and soul.

Experience Pure Bliss
Our relaxation massage is a symphony of soothing sensations meticulously designed to release tension, enhance circulation, and envelop you in profound relaxation. Stress melts away, and a profound sense of well-being emerges.

The Art of Relaxation
Our skilled therapists use Swedish techniques with rhythmic strokes and gentle circular movements. These magical touches melt away tension, enhance circulation, and leave you feeling weightless.

A Journey for Your Senses
Unlike deep tissue massages, our relaxation massage is a gentle caress that soothes body and mind, perfect after a demanding week or to boost mental health.

Unlock the Benefits

  • Let go of stress and muscle tension.
  • Rekindle mental clarity and vitality.
  • Rediscover the joy of relaxation.
  • Elevate overall well-being.
Swedish Massage

Indulge in the realm of tranquility with our Swedish massage. 

This soothing experience combines gentle circular motions and flowing strokes, releasing tension, enhancing circulation, and leaving you feeling weightless. 

Bid farewell to the stresses of daily life, and embark on a journey to relaxation. 

Book your Swedish massage today.

Californian Massage

Experience the ultimate escape with our Californian massage.

It’s a symphony of luxurious sensations that transport you to a state of pure bliss.

Our skilled therapists use long, flowing strokes inspired by the California coast to release tension and promote relaxation.

Book your Californian massage now to embark on a journey of tranquility.

Lymphatic Drainage

Elevate your well-being with our lymphatic drainage massage. 

This gentle, rhythmic therapy is designed to detoxify your body, boost your immune system, and enhance your overall vitality.

Say goodbye to toxins and hello to a rejuvenated you.

Book your lymphatic drainage massage and experience the revitalizing power.


Welcome to Reina

Step into a true oasis of digital beauty we devised for your new beauty center, resort or spa website.

Monday to Friday 09:00 - 22:00
Saturday 09:00 - 22:00
Sunday 09:00 - 22:00